Long-Term Returns on Stocks v. Bonds and Gold

August 2018
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When people talk about investing they indicate that it is best to put your money in the bank, and that stocks are risky. That will work if you have rich parents or a rich uncle who can leave you a lot of money.  If you have a sugar daddy BAD, then you probably do not need to be in the stock market. Everyone else should be fully invested. I say this because if you look at the long-term return of stocks vs. bonds and gold you would be shocked.  Let’s say you invest $1 in gold, $1 in bonds and $1 in stocks in 1801. How much money do you think you would have in the bank today? The $1 you put in gold right now would be worth about $22. The $1 you put in bonds would be worth $17,000. The $1 you put in stocks would be worth $9 million.  You and your advisor may want to put your money in stocks.

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